Friday, September 25, 2020
Upcoming Holidays & Observances w/ Teaching Resources - September 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Apple Education: Everyone Can Create
Apple Education’s “Everyone Can Create” Project Guides are designed for grades K-12, allowing students to add their own creativity to projects that span all subject areas. While the focus is on using Apple products, the Project Guides can be translated for use with other services and devices. Best of all, Apple provides this content free of charge!
The projects in the Everyone Can Create guides teach students to develop and communicate ideas through video, photography, music, and drawing. And they help ignite creativity by giving teachers fun and meaningful ways to bring these skills into any lesson, at any grade level.
Apple, on why creativity matters: “After 40 years working alongside educators, we’ve seen — and research has shown — that creative expression leads to deeper student engagement. And when students are more engaged, they take more ownership of their learning. Students become better problem solvers, communicators, and collaborators. They explore more and experiment more. They tell richer stories and find their own unique voices. They stretch their imaginations and make connections they might not otherwise make — and carry all these skills through everything they’ll do in school. And beyond.”
Click here to view Apple Education’s “Everyone Can Create” Project Guides
Student feedback on Apple "Everyone Can Create":
Free Webinar: Digital Learning App Smash for Future Ready Librarians®
As students across the country return to learning, everything looks different from classrooms, buses, lunchrooms, playgrounds and, of course, libraries. The ways students and teachers access information, and the ways in which librarians support them, have evolved. One thing has become evident—we must find engaging, creative, and meaningful ways to engage and connect our students to learning more than ever.
During this new fast-paced and fun event, twenty Future Ready Librarians® will share twenty digital tools and how they use them with their students to create amazing experiences in face-to-face, virtual, and blended learning environments. You won’t want to miss as they share these digital tools and outline how they are used and how they support us as Future Ready Librarians®.
It’s going to be an exciting hour filled with sharing, networking, and collaborating!
- Twenty Future Ready Librarians®
- Shannon McClintock Miller, Future Ready Librarians®Spokesperson, Preschool–12 District Teacher Librarian and Innovation Director, Van Meter Community School (IA)(@shannonmmiller) (moderator)
For questions about the webinar, contact Lia Dossin.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Friday, September 4, 2020
Did You Know? September 2020 | Peekapak: SEL Tools & Upcoming Training
Responding to the overwhelming need students have to understand and process their emotions and feelings these days, educators at Peekapak have created an entire unit of lesson plans and resources specifically dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Peekaflu, a COVID-19 like virus has invaded Peekaville, and is front and center in the eBook, “Back to School with the Peekaflu”. The book features a back-to-school story, but in this story all the Peekaville characters are wearing masks and working through their emotions and feelings during a turbulent time. Peekaville characters wonder why they have to wear masks and why the school and the library are closed and why their favorite public events and activities are canceled. It makes Cody, in particular, feel angry and a little scared. Over the course of eight lessons, the Peekaville characters learn to understand their emotions and in turn help students learn to understand the emotions they are experiencing. If you have not yet enjoyed the benefits of Peekapak or Peekaville, today may be the day.
I’ll be conducting a training for this digital resource on Thursday, September 10 from 3:00-4:00 pm.
I hope you can join me!