Apple Education’s “Everyone Can Create” Project Guides are designed for grades K-12, allowing students to add their own creativity to projects that span all subject areas. While the focus is on using Apple products, the Project Guides can be translated for use with other services and devices. Best of all, Apple provides this content free of charge!
The projects in the Everyone Can Create guides teach students to develop and communicate ideas through video, photography, music, and drawing. And they help ignite creativity by giving teachers fun and meaningful ways to bring these skills into any lesson, at any grade level.
Apple, on why creativity matters: “After 40 years working alongside educators, we’ve seen — and research has shown — that creative expression leads to deeper student engagement. And when students are more engaged, they take more ownership of their learning. Students become better problem solvers, communicators, and collaborators. They explore more and experiment more. They tell richer stories and find their own unique voices. They stretch their imaginations and make connections they might not otherwise make — and carry all these skills through everything they’ll do in school. And beyond.”
Click here to view Apple Education’s “Everyone Can Create” Project Guides
Student feedback on Apple "Everyone Can Create":