Wednesday, December 30, 2020

CheckThisOut! Multimedia Subscription Kits -- 4 deliveries remaining this year, sign up now!

Did you know that the ERS Library’s CheckThisOut! Multimedia Kit Subscription Service is specifically designed to simplify how you request educational & engaging resources that support your virtual AND in-person classroom lessons? And that these monthly, curated resource kits can be emailed** or delivered to your school site?

 Now is a fantastic time to start taking advantage of this incredible FREE service!


There are four kit deliveries remaining in the 2020-21 school year...January, February, March & April. You can select from random or lesson specific 4-6 or 8-10 item kits that include your choice of the following material types:


·       Digital resources on the ERS Portal**

·       Fiction & non-fiction books

·       Graphic novels

·       Spanish & bilingual materials

·       Art prints

·       Big Books & Big Book kits

·       Class novel sets (8-30 copies of same title)

·       Storytelling Kits

·       DVDs

·       Professional Development books

·       Puppets

·       Board books

or opt to try our popular “Class Library” kit that includes thirty random, grade level appropriate, fiction and nonfiction books for your students to enjoy.

**Locating high quality, age appropriate, digital resources for your virtual classroom just got easier! 

When you sign-up for only the *Digital Resources from the ERS Portal* option (see image at left), you will receive an email each month containing links to standards-aligned digital resources from Discovery Education Streaming Video, TeachingBooks, World Book & Britannica Encyclopedias, ProQuest’s Culture Grams, SIRS Discoverer and eLibrary, Opposing Viewpoints and others. The ERS Library’s digital resources support learning in grades K-12.

Interested? Click here to sign up today! 

Want to know more or start receiving your own curated kits? Click here, or on the CTO! banner above, to visit the CheckThisOut! information page where you will find the sign-up link, participant reviews from fellow teachers, administrators and school library staff, as well as general information and our FAQ section.